New York City’s libraries and climate change adaptation

Image of cover for METRO report. Title is "Climate Change Exposure for METRO region" and there is a satellite image of New York City.

Memory Rising recently partnered with METRO to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of climate change exposure and adaptation strategies for libraries within New York City and Westchester County.

New York City faces immediate and long-term climate-related risks in the form of increased heat waves, heavy rainfall events (which can cause flooding), and sea-level rise. The city’s various infrastructure systems are especially vulnerable to flooding scenarios. These risks will impact the everyday experiences of METRO’s members. As metropolitan regions around the world assess their adaptive capacity for climate change, much of the focus remains on the built and natural environment. Although libraries are recognized as vital social and civic institutions in other contexts, libraries are all too often overlooked in climate adaptation planning.

You can read the report on METRO’s website.

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